Thursday, 25 October 2012

A bit more abrupt climate change background

Being in the process of writing a post on how the Bond cycles operate, I have realised that the way I juggle with the terms such as "glacial-interglacial" might be a little bit confusing for some of you. Therefore, I managed to find a video for the part of the audience with a slightly more limited climate dynamics background, which develops the idea of abrupt climate change from my introductory post.

This clip provides a good but very brief overview of glacial-interglacial cycles and abrupt climate change. As a downside, you will have to deal with a rather odd (in my opinion) "bungee jumping off a roller coaster" analogy. Also, please do not get confused by the last part of the video, where the recent anthropogenic carbon dioxide levels are being discussed, as we will touch down on that later on.

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