3. Volcanic activity
When volcanoes erupt they can emit things like ash and sulphur dioxide into the air, which reflect sunlight away from the earth and therefore cause a cooling effect. This effect is especially marked in the case of large eruptions able to blast sun-blocking particles all the way up to the stratosphere. Therefore a hypothesis has been put forward that abrupt Holocene cooling events could have been caused by major volcanic eruptions.
Nevertheless, Cronin (2010) suggests that while having large impacts on climate, usually individual stratospheric eruptions lower the mean global temperature only by 0.2-0.3° and last only one to three years. He, however, admits that extended periods of more frequent stratospheric eruptions might, in theory, alter the climate over longer timescales. Still, no definitive link between the observed Holocene climate variability and volcanic eruptions is yet available. Nonetheless, Wanner et al. (2008) provides a reconstruction of strong tropical volcanic eruptions over the last 6000 years and it is striking that 12 out of the 19 eruptions observed during that time span occured in the last millennium with a considerable clustering during the Little Ice Age, which corresponds with the most recent Bond event.
4. Ice-sheet dynamics
When an ice sheet is thin the temperature at its base is <0°, but as the ice sheet thickens its basal temperature increases until it reaches 0° and the basal melting occurs. Basal melting can lubricate the bed, causing the ice to surge, eventually thinning and refreezing (Cronin, 2010). Ice-surging in turn can lead to the discharge of iceberg armadas into the North Atlantic surface layer, lowering the salinity and reducing deep-water formation form the conveyor belt. As THC diminishes, less heat is drawn to high northern latitudes, and this acts as a negative feedback leading to increased ice growth in the Laurentide area and a self-sustaining cycle is created (Cronin, 2010).
This theory extends the explanation put forward by MacAyeal (1993) for the cause of the glacial Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations into the Holocene and has now also acquired a decent number of supporters (e.g. Seidov and Maslin, 1999; Jennings et al., 2002).
5. Other processes
Other catalysts for Bond Cycles have been proposed such as tidal forcing (Keeling and Whorf, 1997), the influence of cosmic rays and the global electric circuit (Kirkby, 2007) and changes in the Earth's magnetic field (Courtillot et al., 2007). If you want to undertake some further research on this topic, I suggest you have a look at pages 176-183 in Chronin (2010), where he provides a good review for a number of other proposed trigger mechanisms.
Overall, although lack of supporting evidence means there is still no consensus on the cause for Holocene climatic fluctuations, it is most likely that more than one factor was responsible for the rapid cooling events. Wanner and Butikoffer (2008) tried to represent the complex mechanism of a formation of a cold Holocene event through the following diagram:
Nonetheless, they admit that their representation of Bond event trigger mechanisms is still speculative and must be investigated with further analyses of marine and other palaeoclimatic records as well as suitable model runs.
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